Posts tagged economic history
The case for reading old economists and the elephant in the room in EM equities

I hope you’re enjoying the 2023 Chat-GPT advent calendar even if it is quite a deviation from the content normally posted here. Fret not, I will pepper the flow of advent stories with some economics, and a lookahead to markets next year.

I really enjoyed @EconTalker's conversation with @tylercowen, the founder of the most widely read economics blog out there, reminding us that there is still value in reading the grand old masters of economics. I enjoyed re-reading most of Keynes’ the General Theory for my essay on fiscal policy, and it was also fun to remind myself about Milton Friedman’s permanent-income-hypothesis for the essay on the life cycle hypothesis. But in reality, I fall foul of Tyler’s accusation of an economist who is probably not as well acquainted with the classics as I should be. I have read very little of Smith for example, I find Hayek very difficult to read, and as an economist interested in demographics, I also regret to say that I have only read few parts of Malthus in the primary versions. Fortunately for me and others, Tyler has made his new his new book"GOAT" of economics—freely available, and I am looking forward to dig in over Christmas.

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